Webinar - Scrappy Project Management - 1 Free PDU

Free Webinar (1 PDU): Scrappy Project Management
Tuesday, May 24th, 2010 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST

Webinar desciption -
Scrappy Project Managers don't settle for hysterics and management by crisis, and they certainly don't let anything limit them. They find a way to seize success no matter the obstacles. The concepts presented in this webinar will help you get results when the odds are against you, when precedence says it can't be done, and when everyone believes your project is impossible.

Kimberly Wiefling will touch on a few of the 12 common project pitfalls, or dirty dozen, as addressed in her book, Scrappy Project Management. Conversely, she will shed light on proven practices to overcome these pitfalls, including a Scrappy Project Management checklist. This common sense approach has been proven to enable leaders the ability to steer their teams clear of avoidable disaster and as much as double their chances of project success. Attend this webinar and learn to create your own scrappy project management checklist for success.