Earn 5 PDUs for free

Free 5 PDUs course summary from Prodevia -

This free course will apply the wilderness search and rescue body of knowledge that is used to help rescue people lost in the woods to the troubled project environment. Based on various wilderness survival resources as well as a detailed analysis into lost person behavioral characteristics this course helps you to identify lost projects before they get too far off the path. This course provides a robust process for interviewing project team-members and assessing the probability that the project effort is lost and requires intervention.

To earn these 5 Free PDUs, you would need to regiter at their website. After registering with them, You will receive an email with a link to download your free course material. Through this trial course offer you will receive all course material in electronic format and an email certificate of completion when you've worked through the material.

These downloadable files will include everything you need to complete the course and earn 5 free PDUs . This course is registered with the PMI R.E.P. Program and awards 5 Category A PDUs upon course completion.